Unplug office kitchen appliances

Keep Your Workplace Kitchen Safe from Fire

According to the National Fire Protection Association, kitchen and pantry fires in the office are one of the primary causes of business property damage. More than 3,000 businesses and commercial buildings suffer from a fire in a year. This critical incident causes over 30 civilian death and up to a million dollars in property damage.

These unfortunate figures prove to be even worse; fire accidents are easily preventable – if only proper precautions, oversight, and fire safety training plan are in place. Here seven useful tips from your trusted fire safety company that will help your fire safety efforts in your workplace kitchen.

Cooking Appliances in the Office Kitchen

The leading cause of office kitchen fires is the use, or improper use, of cooking appliances. These equipment cause about 35 percent of commercial property fires in a year. As a manager or office supervisor, your managerial responsibilities should include fire safety and education among your employees.

When you help train and educate your office staff using our tips below, your fire prevention efforts increase. Thus, you can ward off devastating fire emergencies that can negatively affect your organization.

Regularly check of any of your office kitchen appliances for recalls. This step includes keeping an inventory of all your kitchen appliances when they are purchased, the warranties included, and when they are due for any inspection or maintenance service.

Keep office kitchen safe from fires

Additionally, you can go through product safety recalls Check for the product recalls from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. They have a product recall list that they frequently update.

Devise a fire safety and evacuation plan. Place it in an area in your office kitchen that can be easily viewed by everyone. Take a considerable amount of time to carefully create a plan that details what the office staff needs to do during specific types of fire incidents. Consult with a fire safety company for more professional recommendations.

If you notice any power cords or wires with damage, be sure to replace or remove them. Inspect all the wiring and electrical plugs in your office kitchen to see if they are still in good condition. Additionally, alert your office staff to be on the lookout for any cords that are frayed or worn out. Make sure that everyone in the office knows whom to notify or what to do if repair or replacement is needed. As an added step, encourage your office staff to unplug small kitchen appliances if they are not in use.

If possible, don’t use too many extension cords — plug cooking appliances in your office kitchen straight into the electrical outlets. While the use of extension cords can be helpful, plugging appliances right into the outlet minimizes the areas that could start a fire.

Always keep the office kitchen clean. Encourage all your employees to adopt Clean-As-You-Go policy. Crumbs or other food morsels can cause office fire emergencies. Also, grease build-up is especially dangerous. Hire a professional cleaning service to deep clean your office kitchen once every few months.

Check your fire alarm, fire monitoring, and sprinkler systems to ensure everything is fully operational. Additionally, this is an excellent time to train your employees on how to properly use fire extinguishers and other fire safety and protection equipment. You can also employ a professional from a fire safety company to do a training and demonstration on the proper usage of fire safety equipment.

Remind your staff to watch their food as it’s cooking or heating. Whether it’s popcorn or frozen dinners, tell them not to leave food items unattended.

And while popcorn is a favorite snack, it’s also a food item that is prone to cause a fire because of how it’s cooked.

Fire Safety Training

Regular fire safety and prevention training is an invaluable tool. It’s a tried-and-tested approach to be one step closer to preventing office fires. Everyone in the office should have a firm and clear understanding of the necessary procedures in the event of an office fire – from knowing where the emergency exits are to notifying first responders.
Work with a fire safety company to help you review your fire protection plan and policies. They are professionals that can set up proper fire safety training and make expert recommendations as needed.